Monday, October 3, 2011

Tamron Announces “My Macro Exhibit” Tamron User Photo Contest

Tamron USA has launched the “My Macro Exhibit” photo contest for Tamron lens users living in the US. Entrants will create a 3D virtual exhibit on MyPhotoExhibits featuring 8 to 14 of their best macro images shot with Tamron lenses. The winning entry will be featured on Tamron’s website in February 2012. The winner will also receive his/her choice of one of four Tamron lenses: the 18-270mm Di II VC PZD 15x superzoom; the SP 17-50mm f/2.8 VC professional standard zoom, the SP 70-300mm VC USD telephoto zoom lens or the SP 60mm F/2.0 1:1 Macro.

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